A Prayer for Easter Morning

Holy One,We, like the women at the tomb, have borne witness to death in many forms.We have encountered violence.We have carried grief.We have resigned ourselves.And so, even though we have heard this story many times,it is nowas alwaysunexpected–That there would be no stone to roll away,no death shroud to unwrap,no body to receive the carefully…

An Easter Blessing

Our Easter celebrations tend toward glaring and loud:trumpets and choirs and big, gaudy lilies,baskets full of too-sweet candy and bright, glaring colors.That is all good—for what it’s worth. I wish you glorious musicand fragrant flowers;plenty of chocolate—the good stuff,and all the luminous beauty of the rainbow. That is my wish,for you.But this blessing is different.…

Happy Ash Valentine’s Day!

Isn’t it fun when Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day? (Or maybe not if you’re giving up chocolate for Lent.) I thought I’d re-share these Ash Valentine’s/Wednesday cards I created for the Rev. Gal Blog Pals site back in 2018. You might also enjoy these valentines from biblical characters. And if you’re looking for more…

Good Friday Prayer

Almighty, suffering God,whose love for us extends from the heights of heavento the depths of Mary’s womband even into the darkness of the grave,Receive now these prayers we offer at the foot of your cross:For those, like Jesus, who must flee their homelands for fear of violence.For those, like Jesus, with no place to lay…

Palm Sunday Reflection

Have you ever noticed how often Jesus is misunderstood? The religious leaders don’t understand him—they accuse him of false teachings and try to trap him into saying things he doesn’t mean so they can turn the people against him. The people don’t really understand him. Remember when Jesus asks his disciples: Who do people say…

Spacious Lent: Prayer Doodle

This week’s prayer practice is a prayer doodle. For some reason the “embed” feature isn’t working on WordPress today, so here’s an old-fashioned link to the video. I recently sent out the monthly journal pages and resource links to my Patreon subscribers. You can be one of those subscribers by signing up on my Patreon…