Happy Ash Valentine’s Day!

Isn’t it fun when Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day? (Or maybe not if you’re giving up chocolate for Lent.) I thought I’d re-share these Ash Valentine’s/Wednesday cards I created for the Rev. Gal Blog Pals site back in 2018. You might also enjoy these valentines from biblical characters. And if you’re looking for more…

Checking in on the New Year

Did you make any new year’s resolutions for 2023? If so, how is it going? I pray you are finding ways to deepen your faith and make life-giving changes. I also pray you are experiencing God’s grace and being gentle with yourself. I was going to tell you that I don’t make new year’s resolutions,…

Wits’ End: Church COVID-19 Survey Results

*This was originally posted on RevGalsBlogPals on August 14, 2020. How comfortable would you be coming to in-person worship? Very comfortable. (33%) Fairly comfortable. (34%) Not at all comfortable. (33%) Comments: “Covid isn’t real and God will protect us from it.” “If we don’t meet in person next week I’m finding another church that really…

Wits’ End: COVID Hymns

*This column was originally published at RevGalBlogPals on September 10, 2020. In these days of COVID, I find that some of our beloved hymns are troubling–all of that breathing and touching and singing. So I’ve re-written a few favorites to be more appropriate for our physically-distanced, virus-conscious lives. (You really should sing them to get…

Wits’ End: Coping in a Time of Crisis

Dear Clergy Colleagues, It’s rough out there! Between a worldwide pandemic, the attempted overthrow of democracy in the United States, and the projected beer and Spam shortages, 2021 isn’t looking much better than 2020. In the current reality, our jobs are incredibly difficult—emotionally, spiritually, and practically. So here are some helpful things to keep in…

A Pastor’s 12 Days of Christmas

We are in the midst of the 12 days of Christmas, which begin on Christmas day and end with Epiphany (January 6). Here is a new version of the famous song for all of my clergy colleagues trying to get a little rest and then lead God’s people into a new year. (Fortunately, this is…

You Might be a (Female) Pastor’s Spouse If . . .

Father’s Day is coming up, and I’ve been thinking about the particular person who is the father of my particular children. I realize that many of you are not married to people who are dads—some of you are single, some of you do not have children, some of you are married to other moms. Still,…