My Goodbye to Peace Mennonite

My final day as pastor of Peace Mennonite Church was yesterday–June 10, 2024. This was (is) a hard goodbye for all of the best reasons. Below is the letter I shared with the Peace community in last week’s newsletter.

Dear, dear, Peace Mennonite Community,

I do not have the words to adequately express my gratitude for all that I have received from you over the past two decades. You introduced me to Anabaptism, my theological home. You celebrated with Ryan and me when we adopted James and Jasmine, when Grace was born. You supported my family through beautiful and difficult times of child-raising, through the deaths of my father-in-law and my father, through my mom’s health challenges these past several years. You taught me how to be a pastor. I am deeply, deeply grateful for your loving and faithful companionship.

I am also grateful for the faithful work we have done together in the Lawrence community and in Mennonite Church USA. Last Sunday morning, Whitney encouraged people to explore our church archives and said that the documents there showed I was “gutsy.” For my part, there is a pretty fine line between “gutsy” and “oblivious to potential consequences.” But to the extent I have been brave–in advocating for lgbtqia affirmation in the broader church, in opposing an expansion of the Douglas County Jail–it is your support, encouragement, and love that made my brave work possible. Thank you.

While I am sad to leave, I am also excited about what is next for me and what is next for Peace Mennonite. You are a healthy and vibrant congregation with an unusual amount of patience, flexibility, and maturity. I know that your love, grace, and humor will be gifts for the pastors to come, just as they have been gifts for me. I know that your legacy of creating peace, working for justice, serving others, caring for creation, and nurturing thoughtful faith will continue on in beautiful ways.

I feel so very fortunate to have been part of Peace Mennonite Church for so many years. It has been an honor to serve as your pastor. So in conclusion, I will simply say what I hope you have heard from me over and over again: I love you and God loves you. Always. No matter what.

In deepest gratitude,
Pastor Joanna

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