New Liturgy and Links for Proper B19


Here is my new office in our church’s newly renovated building.

It has been a whirlwind summer and I have sorely neglected this blog. So this post is a bit of a liturgy catch-up. Here are a few links related to this coming Sunday’s Lectionary scriptures, and below that are some worship pieces I’ve written and used over the summer months.

Remember that much of my blog material is indexed by scripture, season, and topic on my index page.  As always, you are welcome to use these liturgies in your own worship setting. Attribution is appreciated.

So, for this week:

Call to Worship (based on Psalm 146)

Praise God!
Praise God, O my soul!
We put our hope in God
who made heaven and earth and sea
and all that is in them;
who keeps faith forever;
who brings justice for the oppressed,
gives food to the hungry,
sets the prisoners free,
brings insight to those who don’t understand,
and lifts up those who are bowed down.
Praise God!
Praise God, O my soul!

Call to Worship (based on Psalm 36:5-9)

God’s steadfast love extends to the heavens,
and God’s love surrounds us here.
God’s faithfulness rises to the clouds,
and God’s faithfulness is evident under our feet.
We will feast on the abundance of God:
an abundance of light,
an abundance of gratitude,
an abundance of love.
Together we eat at the table of grace;
together we drink from the fountain of life.
Let us worship together with joy.

Call to Worship (based on 1 Corinthians 12:4-13)

Gathered in this place,
we are the body of Christ.
The hands and feet,
the eyes and ears,
the heart and lungs–
all parts of the whole,
participating in the miraculous body.
Together we are a body that worships,
a body that sings,
a body that works,
a body that rests,
a body that rejoices
in the wonder of serving and loving God together.
We are the body of Christ,
gathered in this place.
Thanks be to God!

Call to Worship (based on Ephesians 2:19):

We are all welcome here–
We, who are no longer strangers and aliens;
We, who are citizens with the saints;
We, who are members of the household of God.
We are all welcome here–
Whatever our worldly status might be;
Wherever our earthly citizenship lies;
Whoever makes up our primary household.
We are all welcome here.
We are all loved here.
We gather to welcome and love each other,
Following the example of Jesus Christ,
The One we gather to worship.

Offertory Prayer

Creator God,
We offer you thanks for the abundance of your creation.
We offer you these resources, for the work of your church in our world.
We offer you ourselves as faithful care-givers of each other and of this earth.
Accept and bless all that we offer.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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