Wednesday Worship Pieces

Call to Worship, based on John 15: 1-8

We are branches, rooted in the vine of Christ.

We come because we seek to abide in Christ.

The branches that remain in the vine bear much fruit.

We come because we long to be spiritually vibrant, alive, productive.

If we abide in Christ, then Christ’s words will abide in us.

We come because we strive to be faithful disciples.

We gather for worship now to the glory of the One God: Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer.

May we grow wildly as God tends us lovingly.

(by Joanna Harader, 2011)

[A note: The intent is that the plain text is spoken by the leader and the bold text is spoken by the congregation; bold italics are spoken by all.  You are welcome to use these liturgies freely; please give proper credit.  And I’d love to hear from you if you use a worship piece I have posted.]

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Worship Pieces

  1. Words of blessing…yes! There are times when I can tell on Sunday morning that there is someone who is just thirsting, parched even, for those words of blessing.

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